At Sussex, we encourage diverse approaches to philosophical thinking. Our Philosophy MA is interdisciplinary, allowing you to stretch your intellectual interests through our links with other ...
Since he mentions the first two separately, it has been assumed that he refers to the earlier Sāṃkhya (not the syncretic Sāṃkhya-Yoga); the Yoga is obviously Patañjali's Yogasūtra, and the Lokāyata ...
Meditation and Self-Inquiry: Practices that help one realize the non-dual nature of reality. Dualism: Samkhya is a dualistic philosophy that distinguishes between two fundamental realities: Purusha ...
The taught component draws on the expertise of the philosophy faculties of Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin. These institutions provide distinct modules that students undertake in ...
We combine internationally acknowledged research excellence with modern, imaginative teaching that enables our students to think for themselves and excel in the study of history, philosophy, ...
Our faculty specialize in a range of areas, including the history and philosophy of science, early analytic philosophy, value theory, metaphysics, philosophy of language, and environmental philosophy.