A Looney Tunes Movie” is one of the animated delights of the year. In the franchise’s first fully 2D-animated theatrical ...
Wait, what year is it in again? All things Y2K have been having a bit of a moment, but the revival seems to have just reached ...
MSN is back? Microsoft has revitalized the MSN homepage with a fresh new logo, while seemingly replacing "Start" in many key ...
Here are some fun videos for you to watch created by graphic designer Kostya Petrenko. He has been creating retro 1980s-style logos for modern brands like Netflix, Spotify, Google, and OpenAI. Some of ...
There's more than meets the eye on the famous Coke logo. Here are all the details, plus the evolution of this distinctive design.
Sometimes there are issues with the current logo that make it harder to design around, or make it less flexible on different design applications. For example, logos with long ascenders and descenders ...
Protein design (or protein engineering) is a technique by which proteins with enhanced or novel functional properties are created. Proteins can be engineered by rational design, which typically ...
Many speculate that they symbolise Microsoft's core software products, with blue representing Windows, green signifying Xbox, red denoting Office, and yellow standing for Bing. While these ...
Without any other context, you can perhaps ID dozens if not more logos of carmakers, retail chains and consumer goods. But ...
Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is better known for his business accomplishments than his personal style, but the billionaire ... shirt with the brand's logo highlighted on the chest.