The Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention set forth the procedures for the ...
Recent archaeological breakthroughs in Pompeii, home to the UNESCO World Heritage property ‘Archaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata’ continue to unveil astonishing new ...
2020 State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation 2018 State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de ...
The Amsterdam Canal District illustrates exemplary hydraulic and urban planning on a large scale through the entirely artificial creation of a large-scale port city. The gabled facades are ...
Nom dossier includes the authorization to UNESCO but not to third parties.
Les Orientations devant guider la mise en Å“uvre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial présentent les procédures visant à la protection et la conservation des biens du patrimoine mondial, à l’inscript ...
Dans le cadre du projet "Créer un écosystème patrimonial durable pour le développement socio-économique en Afrique", l’UNESCO ...
The 1972 World Heritage Convention is founded on the premise of international cooperation. It recognizes that some places are of irreplaceable value to humankind, and signifies the commitment of all ...
The capital of the Old Kingdom of Egypt has some extraordinary funerary monuments, including rock tombs, ornate mastabas, temples and pyramids. In ancient times, the site was considered one of the ...
The Historic City of Trogir was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1997 under criteria (ii) and (iv). The city presents a remarkable example of urban continuity. The orthogonal street plan of ...