Sun Xueling calls on Telegram to take user online safety seriously as number of scam cases on platform almost doubled. Read ...
The effort takes place amid an increasingly complex threat landscape, with criminals exploiting technology, like artificial intelligence, to carry out more sophisticated crimes and target more victims ...
A Kansas City woman shares her experience of being scammed by someone posing as a Johnson County Sheriff's Department officer ...
The most common scam texts in Robertson County are the toll road payments, Visa fraud, and people claiming to work for the sheriff's office requesting money.
The Williamsburg County Sheriff’s Office has received reports of phone scam calls from citizens of the county.
A Sioux Falls woman has a word of warning for others about a scam that’s been reported before, but she had never heard of it and almost fell for it.
The Barron County Sheriff’s Department would like to alert the public about several scams that have taken place over the past ...
Robert Kiyosaki warns of a financial collapse, calling the U.S. dollar a scam. Bitcoin, gold, and silver are his top picks to ...
APS said they would never demand immediate payment over the phone to keep your service on. First lady Melania Trump speaks ...
Asked about the Biden-appointed former Social Security commissioner Martin O'Malley's recent prediction that a system collapse and an interruption of benefits could come within the next 30-90 days, ...
A Fox SA viewer thought she was being warned about unusual activity on her account but the call she got was not from her bank ...
The BBB says in 2024, investment scams, including those involving cryptocurrencies, remained the riskiest scam type.