It is not every day £100 can make you £1,000,000, but that is exactly what happened to one Premium Bonds saver. The new ...
To check if you’ve won a prize on premium bonds, you can visit the NS&I checker on its website and enter your bond numbers.
An NS&I Premium Bonds holder secured March’s life-changing £1million jackpot prize from an investment for just £100. The ...
The month of March brings the start of spring and a fresh chance to win with premium bonds. For two fortunate holders, the ...
The prize fund rate from Premium Bonds is changing next month. In the new draw a saver with £100 won £1 million ...
The maximum you can save in Premium Bonds is £50,000, but one lucky North East entrant bagged a top prize with only £100 ...
Were you one of the winners in March's National Savings and Investments (NS&I) premium bonds draw? Once again, two lucky ...
In their regular monthly update released this morning, NS&I have reminded advisers quite how ERNIE can deliver a ...
National Savings and Investment (NS&I) has announced the 2025 March winners. Only two lucky winners get to claim the top million-pound prize with the first claimed by a winner from Cumbria with the ...
One lucky Premium Bond winner in Oxfordshire has scooped £50,000 nearly 30 years after first purchasing their bond. Across Oxfordshire, there are more than 20 lucky winners for this month, including ...
No one from Dorset won a £1million prize, but one person with the bond holding 237CR964106 received £100,000. Elsewhere, two Dorset residents won a £50,000 prize with the rest being split up over the ...
Premium bonds are an investment product from the National Savings and Investment (NS&I), which is owned by the government (PA Archive) Every month, savers have the chance to win big prizes as the ...