The Google Pixel Weather app is available on the Pixel 6, Pixel 7, Pixel 8, and Pixel 9 apps—here's how you can use it.
With eight billion people, we use a lot of the Earth's resources in ways that are likely unsustainable. Klaus Hubacek, ...
Researchers mapped Earth’s ionosphere, part of the upper atmosphere, using signal data from 40 million phones – a method that ...
We have an extremely incomplete picture of what these snowball periods looked like, and Antarctic terrain provides different ...
Until recently, a gap existed in the world map of amber discoveries: the Antarctic continent. But that gap has finally been ...
Alfred Wegener Institute and TU Bergakademie FreibergRoughly 90 million years ago, climatic conditions in Antarctica were ...
Roughly 90 million years ago, climatic conditions in Antarctica were suitable for resin-producing trees. A team of ...
The NFL's international games, such as the Panthers and Giants facing off in Munich, have helped to build American football's ...
If you went to school in the US or the UK, you probably learned that there are seven continents. But that number really depends on where you grew up. Elsewhere, you probably learned that there are ...
Mauritia was once a small continent that broke off from India millions of years ago, around the time dinosaurs went extinct.
More than 17,000 cases have now been confirmed across the continent, with the WHO saying ... isolate while waiting for the results. Here is a map of all the places where cases of clade 1b have ...