The Mass. judge temporarily blocked the cuts from taking effect earlier this month in response to separate lawsuits filed by 22 states.
Science researchers awaiting National Institutes of Health funding say their grant meetings are being canceled, despite a court order blocking the Trump administration from freezing federal funds.
Teachers, students and researchers rallied in Boston against proposed cuts to the National Institutes of Health.
The decision by US District Judge Angel Kelley in Boston spares New England universities, hospitals, and research institutes, at least for now, from an estimated $800 million in reductions to NIH reimbursement for indirect costs such as rent and utilities.
The group, including mayors from San Francisco, Baltimore, St. Louis and Cleveland, says Trump's NIH cuts would "undermine scientific progress in American cities."
The 922-page playbook was compiled by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research group in Washington, D.C.
BOSTON (AP) — A court battle is set ... hospitals and research institutions nationwide. The new National Institutes of Health policy would strip research groups of hundreds of millions of ...
Yongsoo Kim currently studies the cellular architecture of the brain at Hershey Medical Center. He wants to better understand neurological disorders like autism and Alzheimer’s disease.
A federal judge on Friday again blocked the Trump administration's cuts in medical research funding that many scientists say will endanger patients and delay new lifesaving studies.