Britney, Traitor and Season 3

The four “faithfuls” won after banishing the two remaining “traitors,” Danielle Reyes and Britney Haynes, and then voting to ...
At the beginning of Thursday’s (February 27) penultimate episode of the season, Reyes selected Haynes to be her fellow ...
As CinemaBlend predicted following the previous week's cliffhanger, The Traitors' Britney Haynes was indeed fooled, and she ...
By any means necessary, I’m going to swear on Jesus. I’m swearing on you, mama. I’m gonna swear on everybody,” Danielle Reyes ...
The Traitors’ season three has finally come to an end. Did the Faithfuls succeed or will Reyes and Haynes pull off a victory?
"The Traitors" Season 3 has wrapped and fans now know whether the faithfuls or traitors took the final prize pot worth over ...